Dienstag, 18. August 2015

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 26th August 2015

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Mario Passarotto, Daniel Löwenbrück and Andrew Unruh (Einstürzende Neubauten) 
at the exhibition "My Fair Lady (Keep the Faith)" 
in Rumpsti Pumsti (Musik) Laden at Treptower Park. 
Including a live recording featuring Andrew Unruh and Johanna Blackstone (NY). 
On the Road for Green Tea Berlin at the exhibition "Adornism" at The Ballery 
and speaking to the artist Anto Christ.
On Alex Radio and 88.4 FM at 1 pm.
My Fair Lady (Keep the Faith)

Anto Christ - www.antochrist.com
Rubbish Fairy - www.facebook.com/rubbishworld
Daria Marchik - www.dariamarchik.com
Holly-Anne Buck- www.collagism.com
Nathan French- www.nathanfrench.co.uk
Hellza Haus - www.hadashinkis.com
Atlas Mapps -www.crystallineeye.blogspot.com.au
Jose Vigers - www.josewilliamvigers.org
Casio Ono - www.casio-ono.com
Ana Bathe - www.anabathe.com
Winston Torr - www.winstontorr.com
Lena Braun - www.www.lenabraun.com
Ivan Prieto - www.ivanprieto.jimdo.com
Frau Feeger - www.soulsinabox.tumblr.com
The Ballery - www.theballery.com

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