Dienstag, 19. Dezember 2017

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 27th December 2017

 The Christmas Show

Green Tea Berlin features the interviews from September to December this year. 

Featuring the music of Louis Tillett - www.louistillettmusic.com

On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.



David Judson Clemmons 

Nina Hynes


Full Moon Cabaret

The Baroque Experience



Emma Sayers from Mütig Müzik

Robert from Noisy Musicworld





Robert Carrithers from City Primeval

Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby

Mittwoch, 29. November 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 29th Nov 2017

City Primeval

Interview with Robert Carrithers about the book City Primeval - New York, Berlin, Prague.


Gaby Bila-Günther

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Gaby Bila-Günther aka Lady Gaby 
about the book City Primeval - New York, Berlin, Prague.
Photo of Gaby Bila-Günther by Robert Carrithers (c).


Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 29th Nov 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Robert Carrithers and Gaby Bila-Günther about the book 
City Primeval: New York Berlin Prague.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM 3 pm in Berlin and Prague and 9 am in NY.
Photo of Robert Carrithers and Gaby Bila-Günther courtesy of Robert Carrithers.

Donnerstag, 2. November 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 1st Nov 2017

Mütig Müzik

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Emma Sayers from Mütig Müzik.


Noisy Musicworld

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Robert from Noisy Musicworld & BIMM.

The whole show

Montag, 30. Oktober 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 1st Nov 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Emma Sayers from Mütig Müzik and 
Robert Witoschek from Noisy Musicworld 
and BIMM - British & Irish Modern Music Institute Berlin.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.
Green Tea Berlin on Facebook

Mittwoch, 4. Oktober 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 4th October 2017

Full Moon Cabaret

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Victoria Linchong alias Viva Lamore 
from Full Moon Cabaret.
Photo of Full Moon Cabaret by Nora Novak.


The Baroque Experience

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Lidia Buonfino from The Baroque Experience.
Photo of The Baroque Experience by Daniel Pasche.

Samstag, 30. September 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 4th October 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Victoria Linchong from Full Moon Cabaret 
and Lidia Buonfino from The Baroque Experience.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.
Photo of Viva Lamore from Full Moon Cabaret by Samantha Fielding.

Donnerstag, 7. September 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 6th Sept 2017

JUD - David Judson Clemmons

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with 
musician David Judson Clemmons from JUD & Fullbliss.

Photo by Caroline Wimmer Photography courtesy of David Judson Clemmons.


Nina Hynes

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Nina Hynes about her latest release Raging Fire.

Freitag, 1. September 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 6th Sept 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
David Judson Clemmons from JUD & Fullbiss 
about the latest album Generation Vulture 
and Nina Hynes about her latest release Raging Fire.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.


Green Tea Berlin on Facebook

Montag, 17. Juli 2017

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 9th August 2017

The Summer Show 

Part Two


Smallroom Berlin

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with 
Georgia Ioakimidis-McDougall and Callum G'Froerer from Smallroom Berlin.

Alex's Hand

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Kellen Mills and Nic Barnes from Alex's Hand.



Interview for Green Tea Berlin with David Jackson from artness.net.
Photo of David Jackson and Anais Röschke taken by
Mirka Pflüger courtesy of artness.net.

Erik Van Den Storm 

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with the shoe designer Erik Van Den Storm from EVDS.
Photo by Tim Van den Oudenhoven courtesy of EVDS.


Excessive Visage

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Torsten and Larissa from Excessive Visage.


Interview for Green Tea Berlin with singer Dvora about her latest album Definitive.



Sonntag, 9. Juli 2017

Green Tea Berlin on Wed 12th July 2017

The Summer Show

Part One


Open Your Heart Meditation

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Megan Spencer about Open Your Heart Meditation.

Unity Meditation

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Danielle de Picciotto 
about the latest albums made together with Alexander Hacke, 
Unity Meditation Soundtrack and Perseverantia.
Album cover artwork by Olga Volchkova courtesy of Danielle de Picciotto.


Dysnea Boys

 Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Jason Honea and Chris Frey from Dysnea Boys 
about their latest album Forgot How To Read.
Cover artwork by Shay Semple courtesy of Dysnea Boys.


People of PÄN

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Lafayette 
from Pän, The Rusty Nail and Rood Woof Records.
People of Pän


Viviana Druga

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with photographer and performer Viviana Druga.
Artwork courtesy of Viviana Druga.

 Scotch and Soda Circus

 Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Eden Ottignon from Scotch and Soda Circus,
The Uncanny Canival Band and Mister Ott.
Photo by Sean Young Photography courtesy of Scotch and Soda Circus.

Mittwoch, 14. Juni 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 14th June 2017

Excessive Visage

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Torsten and Larissa from Excessive Visage.

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with singer Dvora about her latest album Definitive.

The Whole Show

Donnerstag, 8. Juni 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 14th June 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Torsten and Larissa from the band Excessive Visage 
and singer Dvora about her latest album Definitive. 

On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm.
Green Tea Berlin on Facebook

Mittwoch, 17. Mai 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 17th May 2017


Interview for Green Tea Berlin with David Jackson from artness.net.
Photo of David Jackson and Anais Röschke taken by 
Mirka Pflüger courtesy of artness.net.

Erik Van Den Storm


Interview for Green Tea Berlin with the shoe designer Erik Van Den Storm from EVDS.
Photo by Tim Van den Oudenhoven courtesy of EVDS.


The whole show  

Montag, 15. Mai 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 17th May 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
David Jackson from artness.net and designer Erik Van Den Storm.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM at 3 pm
Cover photo by Tim Van Den Oudenhoven courtesy of EVDS.

Mittwoch, 19. April 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Wed 19th April 2017

Smallroom Berlin

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with 
Georgia Ioakimidis-McDougall and Callum G'Froerer from Smallroom Berlin.


Alex's Hand

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Kellen Mills and Nic Barnes from Alex's Hand.


The Whole Show

Like Green Tea Berlin on Facebook

Samstag, 15. April 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Wed 19th April 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Georgia Ioakimidis-McDougall and Callum G‘Froerer from Smallroom Berlin 
and Nic Barnes and Kellen Mills from Alex's Hand.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM on Wed 19th April 2017 at 3pm.
Cover artwork by Helen Lord from the album Künstler Scheiße courtesy of Alex's Hand.

Dienstag, 21. März 2017

GreenTea Berlin from Tues 21st March 2017

Viviana Druga

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with photographer and performer Viviana Druga.

Artwork courtesy of Viviana Druga.

Scotch and Soda Circus

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Eden Ottignon from Scotch and Soda Circus,
The Uncanny Canival Band and Mister Ott.

Photo by Sean Young Photography courtesy of Scotch and Soda Circus.


The Whole Green Tea Berlin Show

Sonntag, 19. März 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Tues 21st March 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
photographer and performer Viviana Druga 
and the musician Eden Ottignon from Scotch and Soda Circus, 
The Uncanny Carnival Band and Mister Ott. 
On Alex Radio 91.0 FM at 3 pm on Tues 21st March 2017.

Cover photo from Transformations of a Young Girl courtesy of Viviana Druga.



Link to the livestream Alex Berlin 91.0 FM

Dienstag, 21. Februar 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Tues 21st Feb 2017

Dysnea Boys

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with 
Jason Honea and Chris Frey from Dysnea Boys 
about their latest album Forgot How To Read.

Cover artwork by Shay Semple courtesy of Dysnea Boys.

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Lafayette 
from Pän, The Rusty Nail and Rood Woof Records.
People of Pän

The Whole Green Tea Berlin Show 

Green Tea Berlin on Facebook

Freitag, 17. Februar 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Tues 21st Feb 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Jason Honea and Chris Frey from Dysnea Boys 
and Lafayette from People of PÄN, The Rusty Nail and Rood Woof Records.
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM on Tues 21st Feb at 3 pm.

Dienstag, 24. Januar 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Tues 24th Jan 2017

Open Your Heart Meditation

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Megan Spencer about Open Your Heart Meditation.

 Unity - Meditation Soundtrack

Interview for Green Tea Berlin with Danielle de Picciotto 
about the latest albums made together with Alexander Hacke, 
Unity Meditation Soundtrack and Perseverantia.
Album cover artwork by Olga Volchkova courtesy of Danielle de Picciotto.

Sonntag, 22. Januar 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin on Tues 24th Jan 2017

Teaser for Green Tea Berlin featuring interviews with 
Megan Spencer about the Open Your Heart Meditation group 
and Danielle de Picciotto about the latest albums with Alexander Hacke, 
Unity - Meditation Soundtrack and Perseverantia.
Cover art from Perseverantia courtesy of Danielle de Picciotto. 
On Alex Radio 91.0 FM from 3 pm.

Montag, 2. Januar 2017

Green Tea Berlin from Tues 27.12.16

The Whole Show


Jahresrückblick 2016

Green Tea Berlin features excerpts of interviews from over the last months. 
On Alex Berlin 91.0 FM from 3 pm.


Nina Hynes www.ninahynesmusic.com


Sabatino Cersosimo www.funkhaus-berlin.net


Miss Natasha Enquist www.natashaenquist.com


Christian Morin www.pop-kultur.berlin


Thérèse Browne www.theresebrowne.com


Patrick Bartsch www.thisismyartlife.com


SLAP www.facebook.com/saveloveandpeace


Dead Sentries www.tiefgrund-venue.com


Constanza Macras www.dorkypark.org


Jayney Klimek www.jayneyklimek.com

Green Tea Berlin on Facebook