Montag, 24. Oktober 2011

New Archive Page at Soundcloud

Photo: Alexander Huber

Because of limited space, Green Tea Berlin now has a new archive page at Soundcloud.
If you can't find the interview you're looking for, check this link

May 2o11
The Berliner Blog with Alexander Huber
Das geheime Tagebuch with Danielle de Picciotto, Alex Hacke and Tessa Hughes-Freeland

Sonntag, 23. Oktober 2011

Green Tea Berlin in November

Photo: Berlin Avantgarde

Interviews with Catharine J. Nicely from PalmArtPress and Jürgen Noack and Christa Buri from Berlin Avantgarde for On the Road with Green Tea Berlin. In german and english.

On Alex Radio and 88vier FM in Berlin

1 till 2 pm, Wed 2nd Nov, 2011

Mittwoch, 5. Oktober 2011

Interviews in October

Here are the interviews again from the October show

Interview with Andreas Tesch ceramic artist from Australia

On the road with Green Tea Berlin spoke to Nicholas Young